Jessica, 20, USA

"I was in Florida for a little summer vacation. There were a bunch of people I knew there, all on vacation too, and they went shopping together and went out to eat together a lot but never asked me to join them. I was staying in a hotel on a street with lots of shops, and one day I was reading a novel and listening to Celine's new CD when I decided to look at the lyrics to sing along with a song or two. The CD cover was all green, and Celine wasn't even on the cover -- neither was her name, or the title of the album (though they were printed on the side as usual). I looked out the window and saw Celine walking down the street wearing a white pantsuit and straw hat, carrying a straw mini tote-bag style purse. Briefly realizing no one followed her or even looked twice at Celine walking down "their" street, I wondered for a split-second if she would be annoyed with me for invading her privacy and personal time if I caught up with her and asked her to sign the CD. But I really wanted to meet her and tell her how much I enjoyed her music. I was also hoping that we could be friends, so I ran down the hall to the elevator, and when I got out of the hotel and looked down the street it was like she had disappeared. I thought, "Well maybe she's in one of the stores" and I looked in the windows as I passed by but never saw her. "


Dream 24


Dream 26