Brittany, 13, USA

I have been a serious fan for a lil' over a year. Like every night I remember, Celine pops up somewhere in my dreams. I use to sleep with the TV on, on VH-1 just in case "That's The Way It Is" or some other video would come on, cause I woke up every night around 4:00-5:00. Well, 1 night, I dreamed that somehow, someone got in touch with Celine, and Celine came to my house. And we were singing "That's The Way It Is" together. Oh wow, I was like... so happy! Cause 1 of the things I want to do is meet Celine, but then sing with her is another you know? But... right in the middle when we were singing "That's The Way It Is", I woke up to see that the video was on VH-1. I was thinking, that's weird. I was singin' with her that song, and it was on TV.

*The spelling and the punctuation of the original submission have been preserved.


Dream 2


Dream 4